Buildings can have positive influences

A building that had a positive influence on my is my elementary school building. The building affected me in a way that shaped who I am, the experiences, relationships and education I received in elementary school all had a big impact on me. The building isn’t the most attractive building, mostly made of concrete, but it has a lot of fun memories and the teachers I had were always good to me. The building has significant meaning to me because I learned a lot, made many friends and had fun there. When I graduated high school I got to go back and visit my elementary school, being there brought back so many sweet memories of going to the library, playing with my friends and performing plays for our parents. Some of my teachers in elementary school will forever be people I look up to. The school also took on an open classroom concept in many areas of the building which was unique to any other school I have been to. Because of this open classroom concept we were able to have a school assembly in the main area every Friday, these assemblies were one of my favorite activities in elementary school. I would say the experiences I had within the building shaped the person I am today, I am thankful for the experiences and memorize I have because of the building.

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