Oklahoma State Capitol

Image of the Oklahoma State Capitol

During my senior year of high school, my senior class got to take a trip to Oklahoma City to tour the Oklahoma State Capitol. I remember exiting off of I-235 and seeing the extravagant building that we were heading to. Walking up to the building made me feel as if I was in Washington D.C. about to walk in their Capitol building. I was amazed at the detailed architecture inside the building as well as the fantastic artwork throughout the State Capitol.

Like most State Capitol buildings, the architecture style is a mixture of neoclassical and renaissance architecture. Perhaps the best feature within the building is the dome that contains the Great Seal of the State of Oklahoma at the top of it. On the outside, there is a figure of an American Indian man that stands on the top of the dome. I found the dome to be a unique, excellent addition to the building.

There is impressive artwork in every room throughout the entire building. Coming from someone that does not invest time looking at art, I was thoroughly impressed with the paintings that were portrayed. Each painting and sculpture had a special meaning and truly represented our great state.

My experience at the Oklahoma State Capitol was definitely a highlight of my senior year of high school. I was thrilled to have gotten to share that experience with my friends and fellow classmates. I hope that I will get to return to the State Capitol someday and have the feeling that I felt my senior year once again.

State Capitol image retrieved from https://www.arts.ok.gov/p/capitol_collection/building/Capitol_day.jpg

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