Bizzell memorial library

When I first encountered this building, I was an uncertain high school senior trying to figure out what my next step in life should be. I was scared, nervous, and looking for any form of comfort I could find in an attempt to get some answers for myself. When I visited OU and stepped into the Bizzell Memorial Library, I immediately felt at peace. As I looked at the beautiful exterior and walked into a vast, resourceful interior. The layout of the building was exciting to me, as it seemed like I would never be able to reach every part of the library; there was always something new to explore and find. The most breathtaking part of the library is clearly the Great Reading Room, and this space has become a safe haven for me. The large, grand windows and incredibly high ceilings help me feel free and unrestricted, and the detailing of the floors and walls adds a level of beauty that puts me at ease. This building is my absolute favorite on campus and I will never forget how I felt walking through those doors for the first time.

Emma Kemp

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