Perot Museum of Nature & Science

The Perot Museum is one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture I’ve encountered. As it’s a science museum, the inside is of course breathtaking and unique. However, my favorite part of this building is it’s intriguing exterior. As a kid growing up in the Dallas area, anytime we went downtown I looked forward to driving past this museum. It caught my attention every single time and created a curiosity for me as to what was inside. On one side of the building, there is a glass encasing of a staircase, giving anyone on the outside a quick glimpse of the mystery inside. This is what was so fascinating to me as a kid. I didn’t know what was inside, but that look into the staircase made me want to be part of the people there so badly. Some nights they would host grand dinner events or weddings, and the staircase gave the perfect view of the beauty inside. This is something that is so fascinating to me about architecture. The building or space is a blank, beautiful canvas for people to then come and fill that space with their own personal beauty, enhancing the environment around them.

Emma Kemp

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