Physical science Center

Dow Gumerson / Donald McCormick: Physical Science Center, University of  Oklahoma - #SOSBRUTALISM

The physical Science Center is my least liked building on OU’s campus and not just because it’s the ugliest building on campus but also because it had the biggest negative impact on my college life. The Physical Science Center is where all of my Math classes were located and even thinking back about it now makes me feel anxious. Every time I would have to go into that building I felt terrible because I absolutely hated my math class and I wanted to be as far away as possible. My math classes were probably the thing I hated most about my college experience thus far and all the anxiety and stress I got from having to take those classes I’ve put those feeling onto the building.

The Physical Science Building was built in 1969 by architects Dow Gumerson and Donald Mccormick and was originally supposed to be three buildings built along elm street but this never came to be. The building is very bland and grey and has almost no texture or design for it, it is like they went out to meet the bare minimum and once they got it they wanted to add no more to it. I’ve been told that since the building was built at the end of the 60s and early 70s, a time where a lot of college students were protesting, so taking that into mind they made the building to be riot proof, I don’t know how true that statement is but from the looks of the building I guess I could see it, the long walls on all sides of the building and what looks like pretty cave-like entrances, I don’t know what a building needs to be riot proof but it looks like it meets the standards if that’s true then I find it to be a very cool fact but not cool enough to move it from the bottom of my buildings list.

The Physical Science Center will forever be the worst looking building on campus, even worse than dale but the thing that makes me hate it so much is the emotional stress the classes I took there did to me. The math classes were definitely my most challenging classes and I had to study for them as I’ve never studied before and the fact that I didn’t like the subject made it even worse and because the classes were in the Physical Science Center I hated going in there, I would walk around the building listening to music procrastinating every minute until I had to go inside. The idea that the building looks as bad as it does because it was designed to be riot-proof is pretty cool but that doesn’t change the fact that the building looks like a big grey prison. The Physical Science Center will always be my least liked building on campus and it has more to do with the negative impact it left on me than the buildings architecture itself, OU could build an even uglier building right next to the Physical Science Center and I would still hate it more because of the experiences I’ve had with it.

Photo received from

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