Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

To start this blog I did not encounter this building in person. I believe if I did encounter this building, I would pass out from too much euphoria. That is why I have not seen this in person… also it is in Iran. However, I do enjoy looking at the interior of this building, and I believe it is the most beautiful interior to any building I have seen.

Like a woman with a great personality, there isn’t much to see on the outside, but once you get in, it’s amazing. The glass emits a rainbow like color that flourishes the other gorgeous patterns in the room. I enjoyed staring at this photo for a half an hour, and it made me think that a person on a hallucinogen drug would enjoy this building. I am no hallucinogen expert myself, but taking 15mg of Mindys Glazed Orange Clementines and walking into this building would be a god like experience.

If I had the chance I would like to see this building in person for the previous reasons stated above. However, I am sad to say, that day may not come.

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