Notre Dame cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most impactful buildings I’ve seen in my life thus far. I remember seeing pictures of it before I visited in March of 2019 and already was amazed. But nothing compared to standing at the bottom of the steps and looking up at it in person. The beauty and history of the cathedral speaks for itself and learning in depth about the cathedral made me appreciate it that much more. Learning about the renovations and improvements that have taken place in its lifetime shows just how far the building had to come to stand with the beauty it has today. I remember walking up the steps to the bell tower and being amazed that all of this was created all that time ago. The building is massive on the inside and the high ceilings in the center of the building help accentuate how big the first floor feels.

In the picture above you can see all the details they have incorporated that make the interior of this building so beautiful. I remember looking at all the details on the pillars and looking at all of the arches they have incorporated. The one thing that really stuck with me and that I remember vividly looking at the stained glass windows behind the alter.

The outside of the building is also something of beauty. I remember looking at it from two different vantage points on my trip to France. The first time I saw it was when I went into the cathedral. Seeing the front entrance of the building and seeing how the arches on the outside are carried on throughout the interior of the building as well. Even though it looks massive on the outside you don’t really notice how big it is until you see it from the side. I remember being on a boat on the river seine and passing by Notre Dame and seeing how massive it actually is. The day that I went and visited and the day I rode by it are days and images that I will never forget.

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