palace of Versailles

I visited Versailles in March of 2019 and it is a place I hope to go back to one day. The tour I got to go on was amazing and learning about the history of the Palace and about the royalty that lived there was something that will always be fascinating to me. Seeing the view of the back of the Palace from the grounds/gardens behind it was breathtaking. Seeing how each bedroom and room was created for a specific purpose was really fascinating to see. To learn about why each room was how it was and why some elements were included was very interested. The building is so beautiful on the inside and the design and artwork on the inside are breathtaking. My favorite room in the Palace is the Hall of Mirrors. Everything from the molding, the chandeliers, and the arches that are included in the Hall of Mirrors makes it so breathtaking to see. I loved how the room had gold accents and how perfectly the artwork on the ceilings flowed together with each other.
Guillaume Speurt for

The image above is of the back of the Palace taken from the massive and luxurious gardens that are at the back of the Palace. Something also that is important to note about the architectural design of the palace is the utilization of space. When the palace was used as a residence the rulers would have visitors always meaning they needed many rooms. They constructed the palace with multiple courtyards in order to allow for more rooms and still offer the rooms with grand windows to allow light in, this allowed for more rooms and less wasted space. Everything from the grounds to the rooms in the Palace was beautifully constructed and designed. The architects managed to create a timeless symbol of beauty in all aspects of the palace. If you ever have the chance to go visit it is one of the most beautiful things I have seen, learning about the history of the Palace and learning about the people who help residence at the Palace is something that was so interesting to hear about and to see exactly where they stayed.

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