Chase Tower in Dallas, Texas

               My mother was born and raised in College Station, Texas before moving to Norman, Oklahoma and meeting my father. After college, they moved back to my father’s hometown: the most famous oilfield haven nobody has ever heard of, Elk City, OK. Needless to say, I spent quite a bit of time traveling to and from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, visiting grandparents and cousins. Dallas could have been one of my earliest observances of art through architecture that I can remember. Namely the Chase Tower.

               The Chase Tower is probably the most unique modern pieces of architecture that I have ever encountered in person. I remember sitting in the backseat of my mom’s Lincoln, cruisin’ down I-35, and wondering if one of those old school biplanes could fly sideways through that hole in the middle.

               The Chase Tower was designed by the famous architects Richard Keating in 1987 and stands 55 stories tall. The tower sits center within the nation’s largest self-contained arts district. This building remains one of my all-time favorite pieces of modern architecture.

The Building – Chase Tower (

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