The New England Holocaust Memorial

I encountered this memorial while walking through Boston this past summer, and I was taken away by it. The individual numbers of people who died in the Holocaust take up the entire space of each of these vertical rectangles. Each section has different numbers and they are not repeated. This illustrated to me how massive this was, and how it should never be forgotten.

It was built fairly recently and has gotten a lot of publicity for its own uniqueness. It is a really cool design, because it allows the visitor to walk under and look up at the sky through each of the boxes. It is also not overly depressing but acts as a good historical reminder to the public. I really like how they went more towards the beauty approach instead of the more gritty one. It is something I want to look at and I know other people do which makes it a good choice of design for a memorial site.

I highly recommend seeing this in person if you all are ever in Boston.

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