Blog #2: OU Bizzell Library

For many students at the University of Oklahoma, the Bizzell Memorial Library is either a safe haven of productivity, or a place filled with nightmarish memories of school. For me, I’d have to say it is the former.

I first encountered the library when I was taking a tour of OU as a senior in high school. Part of the tour took us through the various facilities that the library has to offer. It was a splendor walking through the corridors and hallways, looking at all the rest spots and study rooms; I had never seen a library this big and encompassing before in my life. It made my high school library look like a joke!

As I grew older and became a student at OU, my amazement with the library naturally drew me towards it when I needed it most. I spent many days and nights in various rooms in that library studying for school, whether it be by myself or with friends. I’ve spent every semester studying for finals there with friends and classmates, and I believe the calming nature of the library prepared me well each time.

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