Transamerica Pyramid, San Francisco, CA

The Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco, California, though not typically part of my favorite architectural design types, is one of my favorite buildings. I love the design of the skyscraper, with the square pyramid shape and wing-type features toward the top. This building is very architecturally different from pretty much any other skyscraper, making this skyscraper very unique not only in this city, but worldwide. I also appreciate the height of this building, where even though San Francisco’s skyline is rapidly expanding and buildings are getting taller and taller, this building is still so prominent. This skyscraper was designed to allow more sunlight to reach the streets below, something that I believe is very important in a high density city like this one. My family and I took a vacation to San Francisco over the summer in 2016, where I immediately fell in love with the city. I had only ever seen pictures of this building beforehand, and seeing it in person was almost breathtaking. This building will always hold a special place in my heart, and I would love to see it again some day. 

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