Ledbetter house

When I moved to Norman, this house immediately caught my attention. The Ledbetter house was designed by architect Bruce Goff and built in 1948. I had always been interested by architecture, but this was the first building that made me look further into it, prompting me to read extensively about Goff and Organic architecture, the style for which he is most well known. The Ledbetter house fascinated me so strongly because I had never seen a building like it before. The exterior of the house has large circular overhangs for the carport, and several water features. Unfortunately, the outdoor pond by the sidewalk is no longer filled, but the interior has a small brook featuring a bridge that crosses it. I’ve spoken with several friends about the building and it’s the type of house you either love or hate. Personally, this house is my favorite building in Norman; everything about it captivates me.

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