oklahoma state capitol bank

The Oklahoma State Capitol Bank in Oklahoma City is a building I have never visited but have driven by many times. This building is bittersweet to me because of the changes that have been made to it since it was built. Designed by Robert Roloff and built in 1967, it was dubbed the “Bank of the Future,” and was an excellent example of the “Googie” style of architecture of the 60’s. Its most distinctive feature was the “floating” saucers surrounded by glass that made up the building. The inside featured a conversation pit which doubled as an elevator, dropping to the safe deposit room in the basement. Unfortunately, due to economic and safety concerns, the building was eventually remodeled, filling in the glass with concrete, and ruining the flying saucer look. The building is still a fascinating architectural staple in Oklahoma City, but doesn’t reach the heights it used to. I wish I could visit the old bank and take that conversation pit elevator, but I am thankful that the building still stands.

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