George Washington’s mount vernon, Virginia

On my trip to Washington D.C. I saw many amazing architectural works, but out of them all Mount Vernon was by far my favorite. I love architecture and I love history, so when both architecture and history go together I get very excited and intrigued. George Washington’s estate, Mount Vernon, is not just a house. It is almost 500 acres of a mansion, farmland, gardens, burial sites, mills and many other outbuildings. The entire grounds is just amazing to see, but focusing on the main house the architecture is a very classic style. George Washington himself designed and planned most of Mount Vernon. The exterior of the house is cream with a bright red colored roof along with many of the outbuildings having this same design. On the back side, the house is lined with eight large columns which is one of my favorite aspects of Mount Vernon. Something I find very interesting is that there are constantly new preservation projects going on at Mount Vernon to preserve its history.

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