Monte Amiata Housing Complex

Aldo Rossi was an Italian architect with many interesting projects. One of these projects is a building in the Monte Amiata Housing Complex in Milan, Italy. This housing complex is for low-income individuals in Milan and was also started by another architect, Carlo Aymonino, who built the majority of the complex. Rossi took a modern approach to the Neo-rational thought process for design. Rossi designed the apartment building within the complex. the seemly simple design replicates the look of a city with different building heights. The cylindrical portions of the building add depth and intrigue to the building, along with the dotted pattern they have going up them. The more muted base color is contrasted with red trim and the famous yellow walkway. Additionally, the inside displays even more creativity with color as the red and yellow interior colors draw from the outside accents of color. Rossi’s design became “iconic” rather early on after it was complete. The building is now opened to visitors to tour and has been featured in magazines. The images includes, photographed by Luca Vegetti, show the creativity and playfulness of the building.


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