Ismaili Centre

The “Muqarnas” is a finely crafted corbelled ceiling whose skylight provides a subtle transition from the outside to the serene Jamatkhana inside. Gary Otte
Charles Correa completes crystalline Islamic centre

The Ismaili Center was one of my favorite creations by Charles Correa’s. The geometrics and differentiation in materials. Charles said in the buildings website that this building is to incorporate tradition Islamic architectural details.

The building structure above is the prayer hall. This is the most beautiful and detailed material selection for this building. Made of “crystalline frosted glass dome and elegant steel trusses” (Ismaili). The piece of architecture is located in Toronto. Although this was an Islamic inspired construction and used space the materials, colors and textures of architecture work well with the scenery of Toronto. The nature around the building works into the building. This was a the best modern creation by Charles. Natural light works with the entire building and lights up the interior spaces remarkably.

http://Architecture of the ismaili centre, Toronto. (2017, July 09). Retrieved October 26, 2021, from

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