Akamai Headquarters

Akamai Headquarters is a 19-story mixed used building designed by team members at Pickard Chilton. It is located on 145 Broadway in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is designated as the Phase 1 of 3 Phases for the Cambridge Area. This 480,000 gross square foot structure attempts to bridge all of the offices and collaborative areas together via what Sasaki, the interior designers on project, call “The Aka-Mile”. The building was constructed to facilitate a collaborative air. This concept acts as a thread that travels throughout the entire corporate building transfixing one spatial idea to the next . From the lobby entrance to library spaces, cafes, and work areas, “The Aka-Mile” is connected using pathways and interconnecting stairwells that allow the individual to travel freely through the environment without a feeling of displacement or alienation of corporates members. In addition, Pickard Chilton focused on a flexible floor plan and high ceilings to provide plenty of natural lighting and aesthetic character to each and every space. All-in-all, I consider this building to be an interesting take on the collaborative environment. The aesthetics are gorgeous, and the strip lighting used inside this glass and steel beast is truly inspiring. Each strip line of lighting coordinates with lines and directions on a global map. This allows the company offices to be approximately aligned with the world thus imprinting the global scale of their business to the satellite offices in place.

Information acquired from:

Akamai Headquarters. (2021). Retrieved 11 November 2021. https://www.pickardchilton.com/work/akamai-headquarters

Akamai Technologies Global Headquarters. (2021). Retrieved 11 November 2021. https://www.sasaki.com/projects/akamai-technologies-global-headquarters/

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