Method’s Manufacturing Plant, Chicago, IL

Method is a common household name, especially for those who shop in Target. William McDonough has revolutionized the concept of a factory by bringing in a paradigm shift in how factories are constructed. Factories, traditionally are considered to be gritty buildings with smokestacks—facilities that no families would want in or near their neighborhoods [1]. However, that no longer is the case with Method’s Manufacturing Plant. Method’s new production facility is a green building that creates revolutionary household items with clean energy, water, and materials. At this size, the manifestation of ‘industrial hygiene’ is helpful to communities; it creates jobs and is embodied by a facility that is a pleasant neighbor where your children may safely play. Entrepreneurial businesses like Method are paving the way for a new, environmentally friendly industrial paradigm in the United States. A bright, appealing overhang serves as a sun shelter and helps balance heating and cooling demands at the front. The 150,000-square-foot production plant was created to reflect Method’s dedication to the environment and the well-being of the neighborhood. What is even more interesting to me is that the building is equipped with refurbished wind turbines, solar photovoltaic panels. 


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