Hyogo Prefectual Museum of Art

Marking the start of a cultural reconstruction period as a result of a devastating earthquake, the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art opened in Kobe, Japan in 2002. The museum was designed by Tadao Ando and contained many notable features that made the museum so unique. One of the most notable features are the stairs. First, there is a spiral staircase called the Circular Terrace. This serves as the center of the structure and connects the different wings of the museum. On the outside of the building, guests will find the Large Staircase that faces the Osaka Bay where they can enjoy looking at the sunset while resting on the staircase.

There are many spots throughout the museum where the brightness and contrast is just right for guests to take photographs of their visit. This was no coincidence because Ando had this in mind when designing the building. It was his vision to utilize a variety of materials, like concrete and glass, and place them accordingly to provides the right amount of scale and tone which would enhance the experience. As a result, many guests visit the museum to appreciate the artwork and take aesthetic pictures during their visit. This is considered one of Ando’s best minimalist works.

(1) Image retrieved from https://setouchifinder.com/ja/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/12/01Ando.jpg

(2) Image retrieved from https://a1.cdn.japantravel.com/photo/3466-21461/840×560!/hyogo-hyogo-prefectural-museum-of-art-21461.jpg

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