Mies van der Rohe – Villa Tugendhat

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Libor Teplý · Villa Tugendhat · Divisare
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Mies van der Rohe was an architect who very much liked simple designs and that is seen in this house. The Villa Tugendhat looks absolutely beautiful on the outside. It’s simple and yet sophisticated at the same time. It’s elegant and yet humble. I personally love window space and this home has plenty of it. Furthermore, the white exterior adds a nice calming touch to the overall house. The garden also exemplifies the beauty of nature. It’s positioned in a way that doesn’t diminish the beauty of the home, but it also doesn’t look tacky like traditional gardens in some homes. It adds an important element to it. The interior of the house is where things take a turn. It is very nice, don’t get me wrong, but I think it looks ugly compared to the outside. It is very simple and predominately white with a splash here and there of color. It looks bare, empty, cold, and uninviting. The two things that I do like are the natural lighting and the amazing views of nature. However, the inside of the house looks like an art museum rather than a home. It needs more life and less white. Similar to the Edith Farnsworth house, it feels like an art piece rather than a home. I do think that Mies van der Rohe did a good job of connecting individuals to the nature around the house, but I don’t feel like that objective should surpass the objective of making a home feel like a home. The only thing that makes this house feel like a home is the exterior, and even that isn’t really done well. Ultimately, it is very nice though. It looks pretty on the outside, but the inside is just too bland for me. I wish it had more life.

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