Beverly ann Willis: manhattan village academy high school

This building was a part of a redesign of an existing office building to create a high school for over 300 students. I think the most interesting part about her work on this building is that it wasn’t a building from scratch, the building was already there and she had to transform it into a school. I think this school really speaks to her talents. It’s hard to take something that was used as an office building and transform it into a building that fosters learning and can also be appropriately used. Especially in New York City where spaces are already small, this is no easy feat. A characteristic that the building was lucky enough to have large windows, this makes it easier to layout classrooms and can also make the classrooms appear bigger than they actually are. I think overall Beverly did a great job at redesigning this building. She was able to create open and unobstructed spaces. She also smartly divided which rooms need windows and which ones can do without. On the interior of the building, you will see that she decided classrooms should have windows and the space in the middle can be devoted to break rooms and a cafeteria. I think this was really smart because you spend 30 minutes in the cafeteria and 7 hours in classrooms.

As you can see above she utilized all the space that she was given. Some of the spaces that didn’t have windows could’ve been seen as wasted space. However, Beverly took those spaces and made them useful. Like above she creates space without windows into a study/common area. An area that students can enjoy when they aren’t in classes.

As you can see in the picture above the use of natural light in classrooms was well executed. The classrooms offer a view of the city that sits outside with pretty large windows and decently high ceilings. She also created a well-spaced cafeteria that can hold a large number of students at once.

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