41 cooper square New york city

41 Cooper Square - 50 Things to See, Hear and Do This Fall - TIME

Another building that was designed by Thomas Mayne is 41 Cooper Square in New York City. The building was built in September 2009 and houses a variety of rooms such as modern laboratories, classrooms, studios, conference rooms, lounges, galleries, and an auditorium. All of these sections are state of the art and highly desired by the public for use. Some of the institutions present in the building are the Albert Nerken School of Engineering, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Louis and Jeannette Brooks Computer Center. The building is also viewed and measured as the cream of the crop when it comes to being sustainable and environmentally friendly. In 2010 the U.S. Green Building Council awarded 41 Cooper Square the LEED Platinum rating which is the highest rating a building may receive based on the structure’s green features which reduce energy use while also improving the environment surrounding it. It was the first Academic building in New York City to achieve LEED platinum status. Mayne clearly did a fantastic job designing this building and his work serves as an example to architects around the world who wish to build environmentally friendly buildings in highly populated cities.


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