All posts by nicholas24kissee

Alfred and Juanita Bromberg House

O’Neil Ford

O’Neil Ford seems to have a pattern with his architectural work. All of his buildings hold up in todays world, and I am sure they were looked at odd when they were first made. This house, the Alfred and Juanita Bromberg House, looks very similar to what modern houses look like today. The use of white, and the various windows all help this house have a modern appeal.

There is one thing though that tells me this house was designed in 1939. That is the flat wide layout. A trend amongst older Dallas houses, is to have a flat wide layout. It was done a lot in the 50’s, however in todays age we are going up in height and not in width. That most likely has to do with drastic change in our population. I do enjoy the older spacious houses, but there is nothing better that saying you live in a three story home.

Denton Civic Center

O’Neil Ford

The Denton TX Civic Center was built in 1966, it is used for weddings, gatherings, and other celebrations. Although it was built more than half a century ago, it still holds up to be a fairly modern building. The inside and outside both hold up as being up to date, because they both personally have a complex structure. Most buildings back in the day were built just to be built, however this civic center was built to look well made, and it is.

Many buildings of the past were not carefully drawn put, and were more or less cookie cutter buildings. However, the civic center was far from that. It includes modern design ideas, like the use of nature, an over hang to collect shade, and a glass perimeter at the top of the building to let in natural light. This building is a good example for what a unique building should be. I have not seen a lot of buildings like this, and I hope to see more soon.

Little Chapel in-the-Woods

O’Neil Ford

Located in Denton this chapel was built during the great depression, and it looks the part. The inside of the building is the only thing I find enjoyable, and the outside looks like it doesn’t want anyone to look at it. I am sure that during the time, it was an impressive building, especially during the great depression, however, its simplicity makes it forgetful.

I do however enjoy the stained glass, and after doing further research, local students in the Denton area helped design some of the glass frames. I believe the glass is not too complex to where the viewer does not know what they are looking at and not too simple to glance over quickly with no care. The inside is a pleasant surprise compared to the outside.


Tower of the americas

O’Neil Ford

This tower was built in 1968 by O’Neil Ford, it was built in celebration of San Antonio’s 250th anniversary. There is a restaurant at the top of the tower and a viewing ledge to view the city from a height of 579 feet. Although the Seattle Space Needle was built prior to the Tower of the Americas, the Tower was still one of the first of it’s kind. The Dallas Reunion Tower followed the trend 3 years after the San Antonio Tower.

When I first visited San Antonio, I dismissed this tower as a copy of my hometown tower, the Reunion Ball, how wrong I was. The Tower of the Americas is by far the most impressive, because unlike other cities towers, the tower is a straight needle. The Seattle and Dallas towers both use complex designs to hold their top area up, however the San Antonio tower only needs a straight cylinder.

The New England Holocaust Memorial

I encountered this memorial while walking through Boston this past summer, and I was taken away by it. The individual numbers of people who died in the Holocaust take up the entire space of each of these vertical rectangles. Each section has different numbers and they are not repeated. This illustrated to me how massive this was, and how it should never be forgotten.

It was built fairly recently and has gotten a lot of publicity for its own uniqueness. It is a really cool design, because it allows the visitor to walk under and look up at the sky through each of the boxes. It is also not overly depressing but acts as a good historical reminder to the public. I really like how they went more towards the beauty approach instead of the more gritty one. It is something I want to look at and I know other people do which makes it a good choice of design for a memorial site.

I highly recommend seeing this in person if you all are ever in Boston.

Perot Museum of Nature and Science

I went to this building in the fall of 2018, and I loved it. The exterior of the building screams science, and the interior supplies the evidence. Inside the building, there are neat inventions and cool natural artifacts.

One of the main reasons why I like this building so much, is because my high school’s robotics team has one of their robots in there. They did not steal. They are showing it off. Another interesting thing I found in the museum, was a sports science section. There was a track where visitors could run and test their speed on, and a bunch of cool facts about athletes. The exterior of the building looks a bit mysterious. It certainly shows its ingenuity with out showing off too much about what is inside, and it leaves the viewer with a taste as to what is on the inside.

I would highly recommend going here if you are visiting the Dallas area. It is hard to miss and you wont be disappointed.

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

To start this blog I did not encounter this building in person. I believe if I did encounter this building, I would pass out from too much euphoria. That is why I have not seen this in person… also it is in Iran. However, I do enjoy looking at the interior of this building, and I believe it is the most beautiful interior to any building I have seen.

Like a woman with a great personality, there isn’t much to see on the outside, but once you get in, it’s amazing. The glass emits a rainbow like color that flourishes the other gorgeous patterns in the room. I enjoyed staring at this photo for a half an hour, and it made me think that a person on a hallucinogen drug would enjoy this building. I am no hallucinogen expert myself, but taking 15mg of Mindys Glazed Orange Clementines and walking into this building would be a god like experience.

If I had the chance I would like to see this building in person for the previous reasons stated above. However, I am sad to say, that day may not come.

Boston City hall

In the summer of 2021 I encountered this building with great pleasure. When I first saw it on a tour around the city, I thought it resembled a hardened man with concrete still stuck in his fingers from the previous day of work.

The bulk of the building drew me to like it at first glance, and the more I looked at it, the more it reminded me of a building out of a batman movie. There has been some controversy with this building. Some say it is too bulky, others have been kind enough to give it four stars.. out of ten. However, I do not care what other people think of this beautiful piece of architecture. I believe there is an honesty to the building that not many other buildings have. It is not hidden from other buildings, it sticks out like a Mormon in a bar. Not that it is a bad thing, but that is what makes it unique.

Thinking back to my tour of Boston, I am glad I got to see this building and the power it emitted. In my opinion, it is the perfect building for a city hall. Power and grit are the two words I would use to describe and they are the two words that construction worker would use to describe himself.