Felgar hall

Felgar Hall here on the University of Oklahoma campus is the headquarters for the Aerospace and Mechaical Engineering department. The building is full of classrooms, labs, and offices. Construction began in 1923 and was completed 2 years later. The building was then added on in 1948 and became the Felgar Hall we know today. Felgar Hall is named after James Felgar who was the first dean of the College of Engineering.

When I see this building I immediately think of the knowledge I have gained while being inside. I think about the amount of research and innovations discovered within its’ walls and the number of students who have earned their degree here. This building has affected me positively by allowing me to learn various engineering concepts.

verdens ende restaurant

verdens ende restaurant, translated to English: worlds end restaurant, is located on one of the outermost islands in the Oslo fjord where the string of islands come to an end and you can see directly out into the open ocean. The restaurant itself has a partially militaristic feel to its outside with the stone and concrete block look. This is partially broken up by the circular observation room on the second floor. For most buildings, I don’t appreciate the blocky militaristic look, but here I think it is appropriate and works for three reasons.

Firstly is the fact that the place has a military history as the nearby lighthouse was the first place the german invasion of Norway was noticed during the second world war. This gave the time needed for the royal family and the government to flee to the UK and to notify the military. after Norway was occupied by German forces they built an extensive series of bunkers along the Norwegian coastline.

secondly, the militaristic look signifies how rough the weather conditions can be when it is storming and the sea is dark. this reminds the visitors of how close they are to the elements.

lastly, because the nearby rock is all smooth and without edges as a result of the last ice age, the use of sharp corners makes the building stand out from the rest of the environment.

I have been to this place many times, but this summer was the first time that I had dinner at the restaurant in windy conditions, and it was amazing. as you sit inside this nice and warm atmosphere you see the raging elements outside through the windows. It was a beautiful experience that I would recommend to anyone.

The New England Holocaust Memorial

I encountered this memorial while walking through Boston this past summer, and I was taken away by it. The individual numbers of people who died in the Holocaust take up the entire space of each of these vertical rectangles. Each section has different numbers and they are not repeated. This illustrated to me how massive this was, and how it should never be forgotten.

It was built fairly recently and has gotten a lot of publicity for its own uniqueness. It is a really cool design, because it allows the visitor to walk under and look up at the sky through each of the boxes. It is also not overly depressing but acts as a good historical reminder to the public. I really like how they went more towards the beauty approach instead of the more gritty one. It is something I want to look at and I know other people do which makes it a good choice of design for a memorial site.

I highly recommend seeing this in person if you all are ever in Boston.

lørenskog hus

lørenskog hus is my local library, cinema, and small concert hall all in one package. The building is vaguely horseshoe-shaped with the outside covered in marble with windows placed without a seeming pattern and colored LED lights that light up the building during the night as can be seen in the first image. the inside is coved in class and surrounds a smaller courtyard as can be seen in image 2. this class facade allows for much sunlight to enter the building and highlights much of the natural wood used in the interior.

I have often come to the library here for books and a calm place to study which have always made me fond of the building. the interior wood makes it light and gives the inside a friendly atmosphere that always allowed me to concentrate. though that is one positive aspect of the building my favorite memory is simply watching it light up during a cold winter night as I walk or drive past, it simply makes me happy and warm inside seeing the building that without the lights would have camouflaged itself with the snow.

Oslo Opera House

The Oslo opera house is located on reclaimed land in the Oslo Fjord. Because it is located in the fjord it gives a nice early feel especially on foggy days as shown in the image. I have often been on the roof of the building when I visit the city since it is such a nice place and one of the only buildings that I know of where the entire building is designed to use the roof as public space.  Because the roof is a continuous slope for most of it the building has also been utilized for larger concerts where a large barge is utilized as a stage and the roof is filled by the audience as is seen in the second image.

I personally have never attended an event in or on top of the building, but since the roof is public access, I often use it as a meeting place when meeting friends and family in the city. Additionally, I have also sometimes used the building as a place to do base jumping into the fjord since it is vertical on one side and has an easy slope to climb back onto on the other side. Every time I visit the building I enjoy walking on the beautiful marbled roof and just looking out over the peaceful fjord. Since the building is located on reclaimed land it feels like you have walked out of the traffic of the city even though the city center is just across the street.

Perot Museum of Nature and Science

I went to this building in the fall of 2018, and I loved it. The exterior of the building screams science, and the interior supplies the evidence. Inside the building, there are neat inventions and cool natural artifacts.

One of the main reasons why I like this building so much, is because my high school’s robotics team has one of their robots in there. They did not steal. They are showing it off. Another interesting thing I found in the museum, was a sports science section. There was a track where visitors could run and test their speed on, and a bunch of cool facts about athletes. The exterior of the building looks a bit mysterious. It certainly shows its ingenuity with out showing off too much about what is inside, and it leaves the viewer with a taste as to what is on the inside.

I would highly recommend going here if you are visiting the Dallas area. It is hard to miss and you wont be disappointed.

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque

To start this blog I did not encounter this building in person. I believe if I did encounter this building, I would pass out from too much euphoria. That is why I have not seen this in person… also it is in Iran. However, I do enjoy looking at the interior of this building, and I believe it is the most beautiful interior to any building I have seen.

Like a woman with a great personality, there isn’t much to see on the outside, but once you get in, it’s amazing. The glass emits a rainbow like color that flourishes the other gorgeous patterns in the room. I enjoyed staring at this photo for a half an hour, and it made me think that a person on a hallucinogen drug would enjoy this building. I am no hallucinogen expert myself, but taking 15mg of Mindys Glazed Orange Clementines and walking into this building would be a god like experience.

If I had the chance I would like to see this building in person for the previous reasons stated above. However, I am sad to say, that day may not come.

Jenks High school Math and Science Center

The Jenks Math and Science Center has positively affected me as it was one of the better buildings on the Jenks campus. The Math and Science Center is one highlights of the Jenks High School Campus and is a central building on their campus. This building has lots of natural lighting and holds a planetarium which everybody enjoys. The front of the building has 2-4 small spinning turbines and is rated gold in the LEED rating system. This building has an area of 91,580 square ft. and had cost around 20.02 million to construct. The building was completed in 2011 houses the mathematics and science classes of Jenks. This building also incorporates sustainable environmental elements as it incorporates exposed geothermal heating and cooling as well as recycling centers and shading devices

Community space inside MSC

This building has made an impact on many of the students that go to Jenks High School as it is one of the nicer and natural lighted places on the campus. One of my best experiences in this building was walking into the natural lighted lobby of the building and walking up the stair to the planetarium. I had and still have the feeling of being proud of being a part of Jenks as this building is a center piece of the city of Jenks.

Bass Pro (Memphis, Tennessee)

The world’s largest Bass Pro Shop makes you feel another type of way. This structure has been a positive influence as it provides happiness and euphoria to anyone who enters. This Bass Pro is not only a pyramid, but houses many activities and has outstanding theming (like all bass pro shops). The shape of the structure provides a “wow” factor to whomever drives or fly’s past it. This Pyramid structure houses many interesting features and landscapes such as fish tanks, ponds, bowling alley, and other activities which families will enjoy. This pyramid is home to a 100 room hotel as well as over 600,000 gallons of water related features. At first glance you can enjoy the uniqueness and the design of one of the largest modern pyramids created. Who drives by this building and does not wonder why there is a pyramid in Memphis.

Big Cypress Lodge on Twitter: "Nothing like going over 300 ft in the air to  take in the gorgeous fall views of Memphis. #MemphisTravel #visitmemphis…  https://t.co/DtIY4qz6L5"
Inside Bass Pro Shop (Pyramid)

This pyramid structure was not originally built for the world’s largest Bass Pro, but was built as an entertainment/sports arena in 1991 and had over 20,000 seats. The pyramid cost over 65 million dollars to construct and had the height of 321 feet. The idea of creating a bronze glass-glazed pyramid was first thought of by Mark C. Hartz ( Memphis Artist) in 1954 and broke ground in September 1989 and opened in November 1991. Overtime this building has been renovated by the city and has been revamped to fit the needs of the leaser/occupant. This structure was made so that the community could come together and enjoy entertainment, shopping, and other family friendly activities and continues to do so to this day.


Have you ever been to a vacation spot multiple times and stayed at the same place every time? This is how our family felt about the Sleep-in in Madison, WI. My mother’s family is from Wisconsin, and we would stay here every time we went to visit. There is not anything about this place that stands out or strikes you as special, but its special to us. This hotel had everything we needed, and we loved knowing exactly where we were going to stay. We knew what breakfast was going to be downstairs and we knew the level of service we were going to get. Our family even went to use the pool when we were not visiting them in Wisconsin, definitely not allowed but quite funny. This hotel is our place.
