Tag Archives: The Edith Farnsworth House

Mies van der Rohe – The Edith Farnsworth House

Photo taken from: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F0%2F0b%2FFarnsworth_House_by_Mies_Van_Der_Rohe_-_exterior-8.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFarnsworth_House&tbnid=e7AlqDUlePcSyM&vet=12ahUKEwjoj6mAkav0AhUUyKwKHU5JA7oQMygAegUIARCnAQ..i&docid=Exf3M6qO5YiqIM&w=5456&h=3638&q=The%20Edith%20Farnsworth%20House&client=firefox-b-1-d&ved=2ahUKEwjoj6mAkav0AhUUyKwKHU5JA7oQMygAegUIARCnAQ
Photo taken from: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fnthp-savingplaces.s3.amazonaws.com%2F2015%2F11%2F24%2F19%2F09%2F57%2F661%2FFarnsworth-carousel-3.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsavingplaces.org%2Ffarnsworth-house&tbnid=4z11bLN0r02LaM&vet=12ahUKEwjBh8OWkav0AhVD0KwKHfadC-wQMygJegUIARC7AQ..i&docid=xumu12dxEnscNM&w=320&h=180&q=The%20Edith%20Farnsworth%20House%20interior&client=firefox-b-1-d&ved=2ahUKEwjBh8OWkav0AhVD0KwKHfadC-wQMygJegUIARC7AQ

The Edith Farnsworth House is located in Plano, Illinois near Chicago and was built between 1945 and 1951. It was designed as a weekend vacation home for Dr. Edith Farnsworth, a nephrologist, musician, and poet, which is where this architectural structure gets its name. The purpose of the house is to exemplify nature. Personally, I’ve seen this architectural design in many places, I just never knew where it came from. Specifically, I see it a lot in films. It appears to be an architectural design for individuals who are wealthy, and this may be because of who the original client was. Dr. Edith Farnsworth was a very famous and affluent doctor. Although I think that the design is very pretty, the home doesn’t really speak to me. I look at it more as an art piece rather than a home. I do not wish homes to look anything like it, even vacation homes. It appears to serve one purpose and that is to help one connect with nature, but I think it fails at its fundamental purpose which is to be a home. It does not feel homely at all. I do think that there can be a mixture of architecture that helps individuals connect with nature but also provides a nice safe place to call home and this doesn’t really do that. It just feels like it’s a showpiece. Overall though, I think the design is very beautiful. I would absolutely want to vacation in it just for the experience, but I’m not entirely sure if I would enjoy it very much. It does appear to reach its overall goal which is to connect people with nature, and this is done in a very unique and nontraditional way. It emulsifies individuals in the woods and shows the beauty and cruelty of nature (as seen in the floodings). What is ironic, however, is that although the home is meant to allow one to appreciate nature, it ultimately does cause a lot of harm to the planet due to its design (mainly windows) that are not energy efficient.