7132 Hotel, peter Zumthor

The 7132 Hotel, designed by Peter Zumthor, is in Vals, Switzerland. This hotel looks like something straight out of a James Bond movie. The building is in a gorgeous valley in the Alps, right by a little village. There’s a green roof made of the grass that grows naturally in the valley. This gives the building the effect of blending into its surroundings. The darker-greyish wood used in the building makes it looks sleek and modern but not too cold or uninviting. This building does a great job of blending in with the landscape. I wouldn’t want to stay at this hotel though. I’m not really into the modern type of design, so this building isn’t my favorite. I can see how many people think it’s awesome and would want to spend some time there. I like the way that the hotel incorporates with the landscape, but that’s pretty much the only thing I like about it. 


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