Alfred and Juanita Bromberg House

O’Neil Ford

O’Neil Ford seems to have a pattern with his architectural work. All of his buildings hold up in todays world, and I am sure they were looked at odd when they were first made. This house, the Alfred and Juanita Bromberg House, looks very similar to what modern houses look like today. The use of white, and the various windows all help this house have a modern appeal.

There is one thing though that tells me this house was designed in 1939. That is the flat wide layout. A trend amongst older Dallas houses, is to have a flat wide layout. It was done a lot in the 50’s, however in todays age we are going up in height and not in width. That most likely has to do with drastic change in our population. I do enjoy the older spacious houses, but there is nothing better that saying you live in a three story home.

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