Beverly ann Willis: aliamanu valley community for military family housing, 1979

I found this project of Beverly Willis particularly interesting. This project was a huge project as it included housing, schools, parks, etc. This is also a very important project as it was meant to be a complete community for military families stationed in Hawaii. Beverly won the bid for this project for 115 million in 1974. This project was no easy feat as she would have to create a community that encompassed apartments meant for families. The plan for this community was to feature 2600 family-sized apartments. Everything about this project was impressive, especially the budget and timeline. She managed to design over 500 buildings in less than 9 months, and the construction was amazingly fast and efficient.

As you can see in the designs and actual picture of the building that these apartment units encompassed a lot. The architectural style of housing is spot on with the time period these were designed and constructed. As you can see by the shape of the roof, they had just enough slope for rain but not a steep slope as snow isn’t an issue in Hawaii. I think it’s also important to note the number of windows each unit processes. As these are meant for families there are multiple rooms in each unit, and from the looks of it I think Beverly did a pretty good job of trying to incorporate as much light as possible, but during this time natural lighting wasn’t as prized as it is today.

Another thing I really like about these apartments is how much greenery outside of each building they offer. There are large grass/lawn areas outside each building. This community also has lots of playgrounds and vegetation, something that I was excited to see. As they are trying to house as many people as possible I am happy to see that they didn’t sacrifice the importance of the environment they were building on and the need for open space in general.

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