Beverly ann Willis: Pacific Point Apartments, 1975

I chose this project of Beverly Willis because I really like the location, and how she utilized the apartments to take in the view that they offered.

As you can see above the location of these apartments is both beautiful and complex. They overlook water on a raised area. This makes the project that much more complicated, due to factors such as the stability of the soil and ground and also possible erosion that will take place during the years that those apartments sit there. The major challenges in this project were keeping the apartments affordable, making sure that they were structurally sound, and that they maximized the views of the ocean. I think this was one of the more logistically difficult projects she was involved with. As just figuring out how to lay these apartments out was a struggle in its self, so much of a struggle that the first owner of this land couldn’t figure it out.

By looking at the apartments you see just how many windows are incorporated. I really like this because she did a great job at accessing the view provided as much as possible, and tried to give each unit a view of it. She also included a tennis court, children’s play area, and other amenities on this property to make it as enjoyable as possible. You can also see that the style of the apartments matches the overall vibe of the area. And also that the style is in touch with the prominent housing style during the ’70s. I like the colors and materials used in the design of the exterior because it makes the age of the apartment better than some of the other materials that were used in the ’70s. All though you can tell when it was built the apartments still look good now almost 50 years later. And given their location and the land, they’re beneath it is pretty impressive they’ve held up so well.

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