Blog #1: Cathedral of Saint Mary in Florence

I first encountered this marvel of architecture in the summer of 2019 in Florence, Tuscany. I was in Italy to study abroad through the OU program, and a visit to Florence was part of our Itinerary. From first viewing on the ground outside, the dome looked ginormous; It literally towered over the rest of the city. It is impossible to realize the magnitude of the building unless you’re there in person.

What first resonated with me was the gothic architecture style used throughout the building. The large, tall pillars and pointed arches made the cathedral feel imposing compared to the rest of the city. Walking through the main hall towards the dome was an experience in of itself, my anticipation rising as the dome on the far end crept into view.

The dome was absolutely massive and beautiful. While walking on a ledge around the perimeter of the inside of the dome, the intricate painting and stained glass windows stood out to me. It sparked within me a new appreciation for architecture within that moment, as I thought about the amount of labor that went in to designing and building this huge cathedral in the 14th and 15th centuries, back when tasks like this were almost impossible.

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