Bonnefanten museum

The Bonnefanten museum is a museum in Maastricht, a Dutch city, and was designed by Aldo Rossi. The building itself is along a river that is central to the city. Aldo Rossi, an Italian architect was commissioned to create a new museum with a budget of 40 million Euros. Rossi created a simple and sleek design but it still contains great detail and beauty. The building is E shaped and has the notorious cylindrical piece with a dome on the top. The dome is coated in zinc and has windows to allow people to look onto the river, the windows and structure tie into the traditional Dutch countryside buildings. One notable detail of the museum is that Rossi designed it in a way that will allow enough daylight to come into the museum so that it can shine on the pieces of art, sort of as a natural spotlight. The materials Rossi chose to utilize for this project include brick, stone and wood, which add to the simple yet beautiful nature of the building. The most breath taking part of the building on the inside is the central staircase made of wood and bordered by brick walls and a ceiling of sky lights. This walkway is simple but brings a sense of awe to the space when one enters. As one of Aldo Rossi’s later pieces before he died it still manages to capture the eye and provide those who visit a peaceful experience.

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Photo taken by James Taylor-Foster

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photo taken by Jim Forest

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