Boston City hall

In the summer of 2021 I encountered this building with great pleasure. When I first saw it on a tour around the city, I thought it resembled a hardened man with concrete still stuck in his fingers from the previous day of work.

The bulk of the building drew me to like it at first glance, and the more I looked at it, the more it reminded me of a building out of a batman movie. There has been some controversy with this building. Some say it is too bulky, others have been kind enough to give it four stars.. out of ten. However, I do not care what other people think of this beautiful piece of architecture. I believe there is an honesty to the building that not many other buildings have. It is not hidden from other buildings, it sticks out like a Mormon in a bar. Not that it is a bad thing, but that is what makes it unique.

Thinking back to my tour of Boston, I am glad I got to see this building and the power it emitted. In my opinion, it is the perfect building for a city hall. Power and grit are the two words I would use to describe and they are the two words that construction worker would use to describe himself.

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