Callaway House Apartments

In my freshman year of college, I was able to get out of my contract in the dorms and move into an apartment. In the fall of 2017 I moved into the newly opened Callaway House Apartment; located on the corner of Brooks and Trout, just west of the stadium. The building looked nice at first glance especially compared to the dorms. But this giant apartment complex was built in about 3 months and had major flaws that came to light during my time living there.

The building is huge and made nearly entirely of concrete, with a little brick, solely to break up the copious amount of concrete- very similar to many apartment complexes built nowadays. Anyone who has entered Callaway has gotten lost at least once, the place is a maze. Walking down the hallways of this complex: everything looks the same, there are dead ends, and having few doors to access outside directly. Throughout my time living there, the maze-like aspects of the building made me feel like I was living in a simulation. The feelings I have towards this building shows me that even though the architecture is becoming more mundane in aspects as I described, it is still able to elicit feelings from people.

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