Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi

The Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico and was built in the early 18th century in the Romanesque Revival style. The church is not huge or extravagant in any sense, and yet there is a definite beauty in its simplicity, I feel. I enjoy the brickwork of the building, as well as the understated columns that make up the lower facade. The inside of the building is equally impressive, with great attention to detail throughout. The intricate stained glass windows really add to the beauty of the church, in my opinion. These qualities, among others, create a spiritual atmosphere and helped to fill me with a sense of calm, which is something I always enjoy. To me, this building is a place to come and shut out the outside world and have the opportunity to focus on the beauty of the moment. I must not be alone in this sentiment, as this church is a definite tourist attraction within Santa Fe, and usually has a steady supply of visitors from what I could tell. Religious or not, this church is certainly worth a visit, as it definitely impacted me in a positive way.

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