Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin (Cusco Cathedral) By Cody black

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The Cusco Cathedral was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. My brother and I decided to take a trip to Cusco, Peru to hike Machu Picchu. A couple friends joined us, and we took a 10-day trip through this beautiful landscape. We began in Cusco, Peru then worked our way past Salcantay Peak, and finished all the way at Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu was beyond description in terms of spiritual and visual extravagance, yet I normally find myself remembering this cathedral more often than not.

During our stay in Cusco, I may have visited this basilica about 6-7 times. I was drawn to it by the unique Spanish architecture. If I remember right, it is a Gothic-Renaissance style Basilica resembling Spain’s dominant architecture style at the time, especially for Catholic Churches. The fine carvings and filigree, covering the building, always took my breath away; not to mention, the gold inlay paintings and murals on the inside of the structure. It was a glowing beacon in the center of Cusco’s sprawling urban center that seemed to bring a certain level of elegance to the relatively run-down areas surrounding it.         

While there, you could tell the level of importance and significance the Peruvian locals placed on this building. For example, there was no talking allowed during service or when there is a congregation. Also, you were not allowed to take pictures of anything inside the building. Finally, there was a no lingering policy, especially if you were not there to pray and show respects. The level of reverence bestowed upon this National Landmark really drives home how integral the church was to their everyday lives.

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