Dale Hall

Blog 1- Dale Hall Tower | Architecture for Non Majors

Dale Hall is a building that I do not have good memories of, I have had a handful of classes there some of which are good and some of which are not as good, all together the building has had a negative impact on me. The first class I ever had in Dale Hall was communications, it was my freshmen year and it was my very first college course, not counting the ones I took at high school. Growing up in Norman near campus Dale hall is a building that was always used as a landmark when talking about directions, only I didn’t know the name at the time so it was just the tall red building on Lindsey Street, and after seeing it so much I began to forget about it. On my first day at the University of Oklahoma, I had my very first class in Dale Hall for communications and when I walked into the inside I was very excited because it was my first day of college and it was exciting the building wasn’t like high school at all it had two stories and giant lecture rooms at the time I was very impressed. But just like the outside of the building, I began to forget the inside too, I can’t say I had my worst classes in Dale in fact I’ve had some of my best, but something about the style of the building the old wood and dark and uninviting environment made me grow to not like the building, the overall feeling was negative and the more I had classes in there the more I hated having to go there.

Dale Hall was built in 1967 and was named after Edward Everett Dale, the head of the history department from 1924 to 1942. The building is a tall red tower made of brick and concrete and has striped windows going up the building, I don’t mind the red brick and personally I think the concrete looks great with brick so the style is pretty unique. The most unique part about the Dale Hall is the top of the building that has a top that shrinks and is surrounded by windows and the topped with a flat concrete looking roofing. I think the top of Dale Hall is its most unique part, inside you can look all around the campus, in fact it might be one of my favorite parts of campus is that room, its the only room in the building that doesn’t give me a negative feeling.

Dale Hall has impacted me negatively because of it interior design and overall flow of the building. I still think that the top of Dale Hall is a great place to go and if you haven’t been there before then I highly encourage you to go. I think one of the reasons I like the top so much despite not liking the building is because of the view from the top, there is an old saying of a man who ate at the top of the Eiffel Tower every day because he hated the look of the Effel Tower and it was the only place he could eat in the city that didn’t have a view of the tower, which is kinda like how I feel about the top of Dale Hall. If Dale Hall were to redo the inside and make the overall atmosphere more inviting and bright then I would probably rank it higher but since it does not I hated having classes there giving me a negative impact with the classes and building.

Retrived picture from http://fall2017.thedude.oucreate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/dall-tower.jpg

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