Denton Civic Center

O’Neil Ford

The Denton TX Civic Center was built in 1966, it is used for weddings, gatherings, and other celebrations. Although it was built more than half a century ago, it still holds up to be a fairly modern building. The inside and outside both hold up as being up to date, because they both personally have a complex structure. Most buildings back in the day were built just to be built, however this civic center was built to look well made, and it is.

Many buildings of the past were not carefully drawn put, and were more or less cookie cutter buildings. However, the civic center was far from that. It includes modern design ideas, like the use of nature, an over hang to collect shade, and a glass perimeter at the top of the building to let in natural light. This building is a good example for what a unique building should be. I have not seen a lot of buildings like this, and I hope to see more soon.

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