E.V.E Earthship Village Ecologies, Taos, New Mexico

EVE is a planned high-density community of Earthships. It is designed for up to 25 residents to live, work and grow their own food. This project only addresses the issues that Michael Reynold has worked on through his previous Earthships projects, such as power, water, sewage, and comfort, but it also attempts to address economic issues through community-level planning. 

This was an ambitious project for Reynolds, as he had to go through a legal process to develop the site and to gain the right to pursue experimentation with methods of sustainable living and architecture without having to go through the conventional permitting process. 

The building design takes on the legacy of his previous Earthship project through the use of recycled bottle and glass materials and the stained glass-like aesthetics. 

The design of the building reminds me of Sagrada Familia by Antoni Gaudi. The large opening that allows lighting, and colorful glass design seem to create a similar spatial experience as cathedrals with ornate glass windows. The repeating arch structure with organic curves also resembles the designs by Gaudi. The sacred and symbolic atmosphere seems to match the function of this new community project as a sanctuary for Earthship projects.

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