Earthship School in Mar Chiquita, Argentina

This was the first self-sufficient and sustainable public school in Argentina. The Earthship project was started and completed in 2018. The architect, Michael Reynolds worked with Una Escuela Sustentable, an organization that helps construct sustainable public schools in Latin American countries. The organization commissioned Reynolds because they had their mission in common to build sustainable architecture. The building was built from recycled materials, including 2000 car tires. This project was one of the largest projects that Reynolds had taken on with the building stretching for about 3,000 square feet. However, it still follows the core 6 principles of Earthship including the use of repurposed or recycled materials, solar or thermal heating and cooling, rainwater harvesting, and sewage treatment. The school also has a food production area. Reynolds design ensures energy, financial, and even food sustainability of the school located in a remote area.

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