Earthship Tokushima, Japan

A new model of Earthship was built in Japan as part of the project during the first Earthship Biotecture Academy in Asia, in which the leading architect, Michael Reynolds, taught his design principles, construction methods, and philosophy through the construction process. The project was completed in November 2018. The construction period was just one month. 

This Earthship project is made of recycled materials. It is also a complete off-grid structure with a capacity to supply water and electricity on its own. 

The project was initiated in a response to the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, where many people realized the importance and issues of energy use. The structure opened as a guest house to offer opportunities to experience a fully self-sustained lifestyle. 

I liked this project because it exemplifies Michael Reynold’s design principles and philosophy: the use of recycled material, efficient use of solar energy and light, passive heating, and cooling that does not require AC or heating appliances. At the same time, it incorporates local design tradition through the use of locally sourced wood materials. The stylish interior finish also creates a more comforting and inviting feel. 

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