Edmond Santa Fe High School

This was my hometown high school that I attended for the first half of my high school career. When I first encountered the building, I thought it was pretty mundane, I was bored and just went through the motions of school, but it would become one of the most important buildings in my life. At Edmond Santa Fe, I took AP Chemistry, not only did this lead to my current major of chemical biosciences, but it gave me a more outgoing friend group roped me into the more stereotypical high school experience. During the second year, it was much more fun and interactive. I also met my now fiancée during this second year. So what was once one of the most boring, mundane buildings in my life meant only for education managed to become one of the most impactful and important buildings in my life as it gave me the opportunity to meet my current fiancée and opened me up as a person.

Image: Taken from the Edmond Santa Fe High School Facebook page

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