Eighth Avenue Place

Eighth Avenue Place is a Pickard Chilton project located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Pickard Chilton heralds this building as “Canada’s first and North America’s second LEED-CS Platinum high-rise”. This is a great achievement for construction culture as LEED Certified structures are slowly implemented throughout the world. With a LEED Certification of Platinum, Eighth Avenue Place has set an even higher standard that many construction groups will need to try and emulate in the future. Pickard Chilton delivers a wonderfully designed and constructed building with Eighth Avenue Place. This glass and steel masterpiece is a multi-use commercial space with diners, offices, public spaces, and a year-round winter garden on the roof. Skyrise Calgary, a local news agency in Canada, describes the building with the following: “It is a physical manifestation and affirmation of the city’s connection to the Alberta landscape and the independent spirit of its people.” With the focus on recycled materials, energy savings, and environmental integration, Eighth Avenue Place serves as a beacon of hope for Canada and the rest of the world. More emphasis needs to placed on LEED Certified structures for future construction as this is seen to be the “right” way to provide consumers with a healthy, sustainable space. The invention of this rating system provides architects and general contractors a way to be responsible builders. It is up to us, as consumers, to hold them responsible to that higher standard.

Information from:

Eighth Avenue Place. (2021). Retrieved 12 November 2021. https://www.pickardchilton.com/work/eighth-avenue-place

Eighth Avenue Place | SkyriseCalgary. (2021). Retrieved 12 November 2021. https://calgary.skyrisecities.com/database/projects/eighth-avenue-place

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