First Baptist Church- Purcell, ok

The First Baptist Church in Purcell, Oklahoma is a place that means a lot to me. It is a place that I spent a lot time when I was growing up. This is a church that not only did I grow up in, but my dad grew up in and his dad grew up in. The new church building was added onto in 2012. It is a very nice and new building that I love to go back and visit. When I go home for holidays, I go back to that church every Sunday. It is a building that I not only love for the memories that it holds, but for the beauty of the building itself. Baptist churches are known for being very traditional, but because this church is new it took the design in a different direction. The building has a traditional feel, but with modern attributes. The front room when you first walk into the building has all glass walls, that gives the building a very modern feel. The main sanctuary however, has stained glass along the back wall. The stained glass gives the building a very traditional feeling. This is one of the most important buildings that I have been to, because it holds memories and feeling of the thing that means the most to me, in my faith.

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This is a building that I hope to one day take my family to every week. I love my church in my hometown and hope that it is something I will get to share with my children. The building is a beautiful design that combines traditional churches with modern buildings.

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