Gateway Arch

Photo retrieved from myself

The Gateway Arch was the 9th National Park I’ve had the opportunity to visit. While the title of National Park is interesting for the arch, the monument is simply awe-inspiring. Walking through the city district of St. Louis to the lush paths within the park, I was amazed when the Gateway Arch came into sight. I always find it impressive when something exceeds expectations and the arch did exactly that for me. Leading up to this visit I reread Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief because in that novel the main characters visit and go up into the arch. Also I had completed a final project for my solid mechanics class where I had to conduct structural analysis for the arch under high wind loads and earthquakes. I thought my expectations wouldn’t be met because of these experiences with the Gateway Arch but that wasn’t the case. Taking the tram up to the highest point was such a fun experience and it felt just like a theme park ride! I spent hours afterwards in the museum since it had tons of great information involving all aspects of the arch. I would highly recommend visiting it if you happen to be passing by St. Louis since you can enjoy a lot of it in just an hour or two.

The use of 304 stainless steel gives the Gateway Arch a futuristic look that is toned down by the natural arch formation. The arch is modeled after an inverted, weighted catenary which is simply how a rope or vine would rest when connected between two points. The arch uses the largest amount of stainless steel for a single project thus giving it an exclusive look. My favorite monument now is the Gateway Arch because of its unique presence. I look forward to driving by it again and remembering how I amazed I felt being towered by it.

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