George washington’s mount vernon

Mount Vernon is the home and grave of President George Washington. As I’ve mentioned in my other posts, I am a big fan of the colonial style, and this house really fits the bill for me. The home itself is situated on a hill overlooking the Potomac, a very picturesque location. Mount Vernon used to be much smaller, but Washington made it a goal to continuously improve on the original design. The central house is a large building with a red roof, white wooden walls, and a little tower at the top. It’s connected by verandas to two other buildings. On the Potomac side of the house there is a giant porch with huge columns supporting a roof for shade. The interior is still mostly the same as the original.

            Going into Washington’s house was neat, especially since some of the flooring is still original. It’s a cool feeling to be walking on the same floor that the first President walked on. I was quite impressed by the house but what took the cake for me was the location. The view of the Potomac is beautiful from the back porch. The steep hill that the house is situated on allows for a fantastic view of the river and woods around. If you enjoy seeing Presidents’ houses this one is a must. 

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