Headington hall

Norman, Oklahoma

Headington Hall, the first place that made me feel like I was home freshman year. I lived here my freshman year and it was a place where I was always happy. Going home after class and hanging out with my roomates and going downstairs to the study rooms was amazing. I miss these days and I wish I could live here again. Something interesting is that Rick Skaggs, my interior design professor freshman year, was actually one of the designers on this project. This was the one place on campus where I felt at home no matter the situation. It’s hard to come in as a freshman and live in a new place, but the way headington was designed made it so easy. The rooms were designed so each person had their own rooms, but shared bathrooms and living spaces. One thing I loved about the architecture of the building was the front entrance. It was so elegant and grande. Walking through the hallways felt like a dorm, but the exterior never did.

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