Hill of the Buddha

Image of Hill of the Buddha.

One of Tadao Ando’s recent projects took place nearly six years ago when he was the architect that constructed Hill of the Buddha. Located in a cemetery in Sapporo, Japan, this statue sits inside of a hill that is covered with thousands of plants. From the outside, the stone statue cannot be seen if one is standing at the bottom of the hill. Instead, guests wishing to see the statue must enter a tunnel that will lead them to the rotunda. Once the guests reach the rotunda, they are welcomed by the nearly 45-foot tall statue of the Buddha with the blue sky hovering above.

The Hill of the Buddha is one of Ando’s works that leans more on the artistic design side more so than architecture. This proves that Ando’s skills are more than just within the architectural realm. He is a visionary and is gifted when it comes to designing great pieces of work just like this one.

Image retrieved from https://static.vitra.com/media/asset/1738440/storage/v_fullbleed_1440x/22628876.jpg

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