The next building that I want to write about is the church that I grew up going to, HPPC. This church was a big part of my childhood because my family and I would go to church every Sunday here and I also met a good amount of my childhood friends at this church as well. I also went to Pre-K here and met some of my friends that I still hang out with today. These friends were the first people that I met when I moved here from North Carolina. I also spent the Summer of 2019 working at this church as a youth leader. This building brings a lot of positive emotions due to the connection I have spiritually to this building. I feel like I did a lot of growing up in this building. The building itself has been through a good amount of changes since I first started attending it, but the people and the atmosphere have remained the same. I always thought that the building itself was a really pretty building and had a bunch of natural light. They did renovations last year and I thought that the way they incorporated the new area of the building was very well done.

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