JP MOrgan-PLano

JP Morgan Headquarters in Plano

The JP Morgan Chase Headquarters in Plano was very recently finished and has incorporated many elements into wellness and healthcare for the employees. JP Morgan created their own campus surrounding the building consisting of a day care, gaming center, park/lake and much more. All of these items really go into making the campus appear much more friendly and less like a harsh work environment. The company invested over $2 billion dollars to make this campus a reality, and they did an astonishing job all the way through and really put employee health and satisfaction above all else.

I was lucky enough to get to visit this campus during my internship last summer. The idea of being in an office after working from home for so long was not the best. I assumed the work conditions were going to be in cubicles under florescent lights, and that I would be extremely lucky if I could look at a window. However, the headquarters made it so just about every workspace could get some natural light and a great view of their man-made lake, or the rest of their campus.

I’m very excited to hopefully work in this office full time in the future. It has left a very positive made on me and made work more barrable. I hope that more office incorporate their employees receiving natural light and being able to see nature because that is my ideal situation to work in.


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